Monday, July 16, 2012

A Black hit man poses as a Baptist preacher in a ghetto church. He decides to take over the local rackets.

This blacksloitation movie stars Roger Mosley, the guy who most folks would recognize from "Magnum PI", as he was a long-time supporting character on this TV series. Here, however, he plays a real jerk--a hit-man who works for the mob who pretends to be a preacher in order to do evil and combat a vigilante force known as 'Unity Force'. It's his boss, Frank (William Smith), who convinces him to do this...with vague promises of 'a piece of the action'. 

In his job as a preacher, Lee/Holmes is told to do a lot of things that will hurt the black community--such as throwing in his support for a scum-bag white politician who cares nothing for his black constituents. Will he continue doing the bidding for his white masters or will be either stand up on his own and take over the rackets or will he actually do something to help his people? See the film and find out for yourself.

This isn't one of the more polished and big-budgeted films of the genre. Occasionally some of the acting is rather poor and the music is ever-present but not especially good. But otherwise it's what you'd normally expect--violence, boobs, evil white folks and a tough-guy who manages to take on practically everyone to deliver his own brand of justice. Worth seeing but not a must-see film.

By the way, if you do watch, also pay attention to Beverly. That's Marla Gibbs of "The Jeffersons" playing the preacher's lady friend.


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