Thursday, July 19, 2012

An all-black inner city school has to become an integrated school. Few dozen white kids are transfered there, but the black students are aggressively opposed to this. The school then approaches a tough black teacher for help.

Having attended a Tennessee high school during the seventies, I can attest to the fairly realistic portrayal of race relations during that time. Actually, I witnessed incidents that were more violent than those portrayed in this film. The anger that the blacks displayed in the movie was very close to the emotions that I witnessed first hand. I did not appreciate at the time how difficult it was for the faculty to deal with the volatile atmosphere from day to day but as an adult watching this film, I realize how hard that job was. I agree that the non PC slant of this film keeps it a product of it's time. Regardless of this, I think that this film represents a small time capsule of realism from a time that has luckily long passed.


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