Wednesday, February 27, 2008

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An Indian mystic uses magical chants to raise women from the dead, then sends them out to perform revenge killings for him.

Though a horror, and quite a chilling one, Klimovsky's outing seems paradoxically almost joyful—more like a fairy tale or an idiot's fantasy. It's a Z horror, as clumsy as it gets. Psychedelic, parody, it's enjoyable rubbish. The women are generally fine ( before they transform into zombies, that is), and there are a few tits on display (at least three actresses have been required to show us something). An extreme of the disabuse—instead of trying to achieve something, turn it promptly into camp—so it looks like its own parody.

As a quality—it's not _unenjoyable; I have seen bad European horrors that were displeasing in an outrageous way, while Klimovsky's bizarre Z thriller seems more like a prank.


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