Friday, February 29, 2008

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What a quality film!!! Three stories The Telephone, Wurdalak and Drop of Water. Arrow here present a glorious hd master of two versions of the film, The Italian version with English subs and the American International Pictures dubbed release. The stories run in different order depending on which version of the film you watch, with different introductions by Karloff, different editing, different scores (as usual Les Baxter takes the helm on the AIP release), also with the story "The Telephone" the versions differ in the sense that the AIP version offers a more supernatural take as opposed to the more giallo flavour of the Italian version. There are also different colour gradings on each of the versions which were undertaken by the studios themselves. I cant recommend this film (and edition) enough. The extras here are good also, although not a comprehensive list are split over 3 discs which is a little annoying but I understand why that is done. The best of these imo is the side by side comparison of the two versions of the film. Its easy to see what the differences are and believe me there are plenty. The "Telephone" and "Drop of Water" work very well as short stories, but its "the Wurdalak" a Russian vampire tale by Tolstoy which would have deserved to have been a film to itself. I loved it. Arrow presents the bd/hd with an extremely good hd master, the Italian version slightly better in terms of clean up as the AIP has a few specks and scratches occasionally. Reversible sleeve art too. Overall another excellent release by Arrow.


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