Friday, September 22, 2017

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A young woman, Kay, on holiday with a friend in South East Asia, suddenly becomes ill. Her friend dies of a heart attack when she discovers Kay in agony in a small clearing by the side of the road. The doctors at the hospital are mystified by what is causing reddish sore wounds to appear on her skin, or indeed what is preventing her from speaking. Her brother, Wai Lun, rushes to her bedside only to watch her die in agony. Returning to Hong Kong, Wai Lun discovers that Kay’s illness may be associated with an incident in the past when his grandfather was the only survivor of a fire that devastated the village where he was living with his new wife and baby. When Kay’s urn mysteriously shatters, Wai Lun returns to South East Asia and enlists the help of a Taoist Priest to overcome the black magic spell that has been placed on his family before he, himself, succumbs to the same fate as his sister.


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