Saturday, September 30, 2017

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A stripper is horribly disfigured in a car accident. A brilliant scientist develops a treatment that restores her beauty and falls in love with her. To preserve her appearance the doctor must give her additional treatments using glands taken from murdered women. His unexplained ability to turn into a hideous monster helps with this problem but does nothing to win her love. The doctor's woes multiply as the police and the girl's boyfriend begin to close in on him.

How many times have excellent European films from the 1960's even up until the present been ruined by American distributors? Whether it's dubbing or the editing room, the European film industry has always been royally screwed by us. I think that this film and MANY MANY others have been horribly misrepresented and misunderstood. Unlike others, this film still looks good with horrible dubbing and when it's a badly edited mess. I absolutely love Susan Loret as the scarred beauty, she is the shining star of the production. The plot is very common in European films and is usually pulled off better, but the film does have potential, it just doesn't meet it. Anchor Bay, if you're reading, please consider obtaining a European UNCUT print of this, preferably subtitled so the dialogue can make a bit more sense. The cheap label ACME Video company offers the movie and the running time is marked as 105 minutes. This is doubtful, but the tape is usually only $10 anyway, so you might want to check it out.


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