Friday, April 29, 2016

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This short, French undead film is a love story. It’s a typical undead siege/apocalypse movie. It doesn’t take itself too seriously.

A handsome Frenchman and a gorgeous French woman are getting married. The church is overrun as the ceremony concludes. One knows, even without understanding the language, that they have pledged their love “until death do us part,” or some such thing. They fight their way out of the church into an overrun Paris. I can’t say more without telling the entire story.

The special effects are great. The weapons handling is a little sloppy. For instance, the living fire full magazine bursts into one undead person rather than spraying a large number. Nonetheless, the fight sequences are fun to watch. The weapons get bigger as the chase gets hairier. Just when it seems all is lost, love smears its bloody self across the screen and the story ends happily.


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