Friday, April 29, 2016

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A small community is besieged by vampires. After he watches friends ravaged in a convenience store, a lone avenger goes off to do battle with the undead, armed with shotgun, chainsaw, and Holy water. Later he finds other survivors and they try to stay alive long enough to do battle with Liven, king of the vampires.

Leif Jonker’s Darkness: The Vampire Version has been digital remastered, from the old super 8 films to DVD. This movie was originally shot back in 1993 and the actors were either still in high school or just finishing high school. It just shocks me to see a film so vile and shot to perfection by a group of teenage kids, the DVD is jam packed with interviews from the actors in there late 20’s or early 30’s and you get to see behind the scene photos and a good number of audio commentaries and so much gore i mean more. This is definitely a gore hounds film by far with outstanding special effects that will simply blow you away, you get to see throats torn out, slashing & hacking from machetes, shit loads of splattered blood right down to vampires melting to death from sun light & gun fire. Darkness: The Vampire Version is an indie film with fuck all of a budget, and is truly a gem.


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