Tuesday, June 7, 2016

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Rich young man Hal and his girlfriend were attacked by a gang of bikers. He was beaten and she was raped. Hal called on the help his  friends from the club of kickboxers and the rapist was brutally avenged. But bikers were in the Nazi organization and, armed with machine guns, shot the club. Hal miraculously survived. He went to the village to his old friend, but even there he was catched by the biker gang

Phewy, some of the people writing these reviews have no clue what's up. Mad Foxes isn't just your regular flick you watch and judge. It's an exploitation classic with ridiculous ideas and situations. You should at least know that much going into it. But then I read that people had issues with how awful the dubbing was. Get the f@ck outta here! I can agree that it's not well-done in the sense it really overlaps well, or even sounds good. But these issues are moot when watching a flick like this. A flick with a double revenge story, karate guys fighting biker Nazis, lots of violence, sex and sleaze. I can understand that some people may have been expecting better dubbing, but the dubbing in this movie is although amateurish, it's incredibly funny and entertaining. It's similar to classic Popeye. Popeye (or any character) will ramble on about stuff when it seems unnecessary to do so. It's also the case here. There's silly dialogue thrown all over the place in here, and it's undeniably humorous. It's bad in the big scheme of professional dubbing, but if you've seen Premutos or any other poorly dubbed film that benefits from such crazy dubbing, this will only heighten your viewing experience.

Besides the dubbing stuff, I gotta say I really enjoyed the flick and it immediately became one of my favorite exploit flicks. It was funny, stupid, over-the-top, had many memorable scenes and was a very fun and fast watch at under 80 minutes long. My only gripe is a slight slow down in the pace during the last act or so. But it's all made up for when the finale occurs. Now that had me laughing. Check out Mad Foxes if you can actually spot the funny and enjoy crazy exploitation goodness.


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