Saturday, March 26, 2016

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 A photographer inherits an old castle in which his ancestors lie in the coffins in the cellar. What he doesn’t know is that they are vampires and kept alive by blood fed to them by the caretaker of the castle. The photographer decides to turn the castle into a disco and soon the vampires also want to come out to play (and eat). After some futile attempts to keep themsleves hidden, the vampires are discovered and they become the main attractions for a new hotel at the castle, where guests come to be fed on by the vampires. But the vamps soon become weary of this and would rather continue their life in seclusion.

See this movie it is loads of laughs from all of the characters. Fans of Benny Hill, Monty Python, and anybody looking for a crazy and different movie needs to watch this. Not recommened for younger viewers because of the vast amounts of nudity. Great for lovers looking for a little romance movie. Has a little horror but is okay for you because it is quick. This is a type of movie if you rent it you will want to buy it. This is a great escape movie from the modern action movie or lousy sex movie (Showgirls). RENT IT IF YOU CAN FIND IT.


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