Sunday, February 15, 2015

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Trash Meister and Daisy Rock's 'Forensic Filth: The Awakening of Mallory Blake' poses a lot more questions than answers upon it's unraveling, much like some of it's mainstream predecessors in the genre of crime mystery. The film makes a valid attempt at juggling on-screen sexual chemistry with a decent storyline, but the resolution seems to be a little skewed on my part when it came to a logical conclusion. The overall story is pretty original in my experience of reviewing porn features, presenting itself much like a spin on Silence of the Lambs and True Detective, with an ending that is cooler than it is coherent. Maybe that's what they were going for, or maybe I missed the entire point of the movie by way of weak audio and an overall scanty dialogue. Either way, I don't think that the film's climax is anywhere near to what it possibly could have been. Sex in the movie is decent enough to make for a strong porn feature, but at points there's some hollow acting that sort of lessens the effect of it all by the time the credits rolled. Special features include a really nice photo gallery, rounded out with five trailers from other recently released Paradise Films, closing out my review by which I'd have a tough time recommending this one. If you're still renting porn and take a liking to any of the stars involved, then I'd say it's worth giving a look, but if you're looking for the next perfect porn feature, look elsewhere, this isn't it. Rent It.


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