The Vampire is a black and white 1957 horror film, produced by Arthur Gardner and Jules V. Levy, and directed by Paul Landres. Like 1956...
Scream Factory All Night Horror Marathon DVD (NTSC Region 1)
Scream Factory All Night Horror Marathon DVD (NTSC Region 1) THE GODSEND (1980) -- A family of six takes in a pregnant woman who disappears ...
Cult Movie Marathon DVD (Shout Factory) (NTSC Region 1)
Cult Movie Marathon DVD (Shout Factory) (NTSC Region 1) INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS – 1973/Color/R/85 minutes/Anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1)/D...
Maniac Cop 2 (Blue Underground DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
Maniac Cop 2 (Blue Underground DVD / Blu-Ray Combo) The “Maniac Cop” is back from the dead and stalking the streets of New York once more...
Tank Girl (Shout Factory) (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo)
Tank Girl (Shout Factory) (DVD / Blu-Ray Combo) In 2022 Earth is struck by a comet, leading to a massive drought. 11 years later a majority ...
The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
Young workers are dying because of a mysterious epidemic in a little village in Cornwall. Doctor Thompson is helpless and asks professor ...
Manhunter (Scream Factory) (Blu-Ray)
Manhunter (Scream Factory) (Blu-Ray) Former FBI profiler Will Graham (William Petersen, To Live and Die in L.A., CSI: Crime Scene Investigat...
All Night Long / Tapestry Of Passion [DVD]
Written and directed by Alan Colberg and shot in 35mm in the mid-1970s, these two films have been expertly transferred to DVD by Vinegar Syn...
Harlot / Tijuana Blue [DVD]
Following the unprecedented success of his 1970 film Mona, director Howard Ziehm quickly established himself as a one-man filmmaking machine...
The Black Torment
Sir Richard and his second wife hear of 18th-century evil done by someone who looks like Sir Richard. BLACK TORMENT was a movie I read a...
Public Cowboy No. 1
Rustlers using modern technology (airplanes, shortwave radios, refrigerated trucks) are Gene's target. Deputy Gene Autry rides to the re...
Blazing Stewardesses - 2 Disc SE ( NTSC Region 1)
Blazing Stewardesses - 2 Disc SE ( NTSC Region 1) Those "naughty stewardesses" are at it again! But this time they've turnedin...