A documentary on the controversial 1960s Italian photo novels known as Killing, aka Satanik in France and Sadistik in America. Also the ba...
Hedonistic Pleasures (1969)
"This is Hollywood, baby! the world's biggest whore. This town is filled with the depraved and the perverse, constantly seeking m...
Hard Times for Dracula (1976)
As the title says, these are hard times for Dracula. Years don't go by in vain, he has financial problems and even his own castle is n...
Barbie Can Also Be Sad (2002)
Stop-motion animation featuring Ken and Barbie dolls. Engaging in sexual (and some rather kinky) activities. Also some violence. The plot ...
The Curious Dr. Humpp (1969)
This movie is about a doctor who kidnaps people, couples who are having sex. He takes them to his mansion where they are being kept as pri...
Blood of the Virgins (1967)
Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her l...
Love After Death (1968)
During a cataleptic fit, Montel is buried alive, a burial plotted by his greedy wife Sofia with several men, including her lover, Montel...
Stay Tuned for Terror (1965)
A strange psychedelic signal invades the TV screen and turns children and old people into hypnotized junkies in front of it.
Private Parts (1972)
When Cheryl and her roommate quarrel, Cheryl moves into her aunt's skid-row hotel in downtown L.A. rather than return home to Ohio. Th...
Grindhouse Universe
Continuing in their grand tradition of releasing homemade, heartfelt trailer compilations, Ban 1 Productions, fresh from their 42ND STREET F...
Pieces (Grindhouse 3 Disc Special Edition) (CD / Blu-Ray All Region)
Pieces (Grindhouse 3 Disc Special Edition) (CD / Blu-Ray All Region) YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO TO TEXAS FOR A CHAINSAW MASSACRE! Grindhouse ...
Terror on Tour (1980)
A rock band called "The Clowns" comes under suspicion of murder when several prostitutes are killed by individuals made up like me...