In a post-apocalyptic New York City, three tribes of mutants (the Norms, the Mutates and the Upriver people) battle each other to survive....
The Haunted House (1952)
In this rarely seen Egyptian comedy classic, Ismail Yassin and his relatives have to spend a month living in a haunted house in order to c...
The Ghoul (1983)
Adel (Adel Imam) a journalist in a major newspaper, divorced. One evening in one of the pubs frequented by Nashaat al-Kashif (Hatem Zulfiq...
Mondo Mod (1967)
Beginning with the title song, "It's a Mod Mod World" by the Gretschmen, "Mondo Mod" explores West Hollywood, Cali...
Torso (1973)
Someone is strangling coeds in Perugia. The only clue is that the killer owns a red and black scarf, and police are stumped. American exch...
Cannibal Girls (1973)
A young couple spend the night in a restaurant, only to find out that it is haunted by three dead women who hunger for human flesh. The ...
5 Bloody Graves / Nurse Sherri DVD Double Feature (NTSC Region 1)
5 Bloody Graves is a grim and gruesome western chock full of bloody gun blasts and violence galore and features the cinematography of Acad...
Criminally Insane (1975)
After her doctors declare her ready to return to society, Ethel leaves the psychiatric hospital and goes to live with her grandmother. She...
Women's Prison Massacre (1983)
A woman reporter is unjustly sent to prison after investigating a corrupt official where she is victimized by vicious guards and bullied by ...
Satan's Black Wedding (1976)
A man travels to another city for his sister's funeral to try to find out why she killed herself. He discovers that she is actually a ...
5 Bloody Graves / Nurse Sherri DVD (Double Feature)
5 Bloody Graves / Nurse Sherri DVD Double Feature (NTSC Region 1) 5 Bloody Graves is a grim and gruesome western chock full of bloody gu...